Thursday, October 9, 2008

New Series Kickoff

Start reading 1 & 2 Corinthians together on Sunday, October 12

Reading about the church of Corinth is encouraging in a strange sort of way. At one level, it is almost embarrassing to read about the kinds of sins and struggles that Paul has to address the church. Yet, Paul is not morose, but rather hopeful about what God can do in and through a whacked out, mixed up group of people. That is where it becomes encouraging. We can find encouragement because we have more in common with the people of Corinth than we would like to admit. The issues may be similar or not, but the God of Corinth is the same God we follow. And if there is hope for those whacked out, mixed up people, then there is hope for us whacked out, mixed up people.

Let’s read it and dig in together--One chapter a day, every day. As we move forward, I hope you enjoy some of the ways we have freshened up and sharpened our focus of this blog. Some of what is new is:

· New bloggers: our goal is to keep our postings fresh, relevant, Biblical and helpful. They will be no more than 350 words so that you can dig in without getting backed up.

· A New Look: We want to keep the look of our blog fresh, welcoming and inviting so that you will be able to use it in your personal ministry and share this resource with those whom you are ministering to. The only thing better than reading the Bible everyday is reading everyday with a friend.

· New Features—Look for a fresh introduction to the letters to Corinth as well as links to helpful articles and sermons along the way. Also, easy ways to forward postings to your friends or to post on your facebook page.

Look for an introduction to the book in the next few days and then a regular posting for each chapter starting Sunday, October 12th.

Marc and Aaron
Editors for Bible for Everyday

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