Thursday, October 23, 2008

1 Corinthians 12: A Well Oiled Machine

Dallas Cowboys Tony Romo is currently the third best quarterback in the league based on quarterback ratings. He led his team to the divisional playoffs last year. It now looks like he will be sidelined for a few weeks due to injury. What could keep a tough talented football player from doing what he is made for? A broken pinky (try not to giggle). This is bad news not only for Tony, but the entire team. Everything they hoped and worked for could now be in jeopardy due to an ill working pinky.

Paul tells us the same thing In 1 Corinthians 12. You are not only a gifted member of a team, but your giftedness comes from the Spirit. You have a particular job to do, and the Spirit has given you specific gifts to do the job boldly and confidently. Nobody can do your job for you because you have been distinctly equipped by the Spirit to do it. If you choose to sit it out on the sideline, our team, the body of Christ does not function the way it was intended.

The church in Corinth made some critical errors when they failed to see that God’s plan requires unity. They failed to realize that no gifts are more important than any other; all must be accomplished for the body to be effective as it works toward a common goal. Nor can everyone posses the same gifts or nothing would ever get accomplished. The Spirit gifts us uniquely different so that we can work and achieve in interdependent unity.

Do you know what gift the Spirit has given you? Do you find yourself feeling ill equipped or perhaps jealous of someone else’s gifts? Do you find yourself separated from the body serving alone? As verse 7 tells us “each one” has been gifted and you can serve in your giftedness with confidence. We are also gifted for the common good. We are made to serve in community as a well functioning body. Have you brought your specific gift and engaged with the body for the common good?

Posted by Jim

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