Thursday, May 7, 2009

Exodus 17:1-7

This is the third chapter in a row where the Israelites have a complaint. The battle is clearly labeled by Moses “Why do you put the Lord to the test?”  God provides; Israel is having a hard time understanding and remembering that God is leading them and he will provide. This lack of trust in God’s promise or forgetfulness of God’s provision in the past will ultimately be what keeps Israel wandering in the desert for forty years.

Why do we put the Lord to the test? We have less excuses then the Israelites did. The Israelites could remember God’s faithfulness yesterday, his faithfulness the week before, his faithfulness to Joseph, and his faithfulness to Abraham. They had a few generations of stories to remember. Yet they forgot and grumbled against God and his leaders. 

We have God’s faithfulness yesterday, his faithfulness last week, his faithfulness last year, and over two thousand years of more examples of God’s faithfulness to those who followed after him. Wouldn't it be time well spent to remember God’s provision to others and to us in the past? This will help us examine how we approach trying situations. Do we put our trust in God’s provision and ask him for provision as a child would of a father? Or do we forget, grumble, or even return to Egypt, where we used to be enslaved, for our provision? Let's remember whose children we are!  Click on the title above and comment!

posted by, Danny

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