Not only is God committed to demonstrating his supremacy over Pharaoh, but he is committed to demonstrating his supremacy over the rest of the Egyptian pantheon of gods. The plagues are a complete subversion of all of the Egyptians gods. Each of the plagues demonstrates that the gods of Egyptian mythology are not in control of the situation. Each plague demonstrates that Yahweh alone is the God who should be served.
This is helpful for us in thinking through our freedom. The tyrants in our lives are other sources that we look to for comfort, hope, encouragement and support instead of to God, in the old testament they were called idols and we may as well use that name as well. Idols often take forms that seem quite good, but when looked to beyond their capacity, they begin to rule us, a pharaoh. A glass of wine is a great way to celebrate and enjoy the gifts of God’s creation, but when looked to for escape or comfort, we give it power over us that only God himself should have.

A spouse or friend is also a great source for encouragement, but if we find our sole identity in the approval or affection of another, we again place a responsibility upon them that they could never bear, and we find ourselves subject to them and all that happens to them. Instead of showing them the kind of love that God calls us to show, in our neediness we use them to get the kind of affection, attention and affirmation that only God should give.
When reading through the plagues, allow yourself to wonder at the majesty of God in his supremacy over the elements of creation. Ask yourself about your own freedom. If God were going to demonstrate his supremacy over your own personal pantheon of gods, where would he start and what would it look like? Maybe he has already started? Can you see his hand at work?
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