Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Acts 3--The Story of a Changed Life

The title above is a link from the blog to this passage on If you are reading this in an email, click the title to get to the blog and then click it again to get to the passage.

The people were filled with wonder and amazement. They were astonished and came running to see what had happened. The word on the street was that a man’s life had been changed. There was man who had carried a handicap from birth. But in the name of Jesus Christ, this man was healed. The crowds came running because to witness this miracle. This should do two things for us.

First, we should never underestimate the power of God. He still changes lives. We pray for healing because we believe that he still does that and we have heard authentic stories where doctors are baffled and fervent prayers are answered. This man who kneeled before Peter and John hoped for very little. He was hoping that he could get some money for food. God steps in and the next thing he knew, he could walk. We should never sell God short and trust in whatever our silver and gold can accomplish. God can change the hardest heart and can turn the bleakest situation into a demonstration of his power and grace.

Secondly, the many large and small stories of God’s work in our life are the platform from which people will hear the gospel. Have you trusted him as a parent and found peace? That peace is a platform for you to explain who Christ is to another parent who would like to have that. Has your faith given your courage to stand up to injustice at work? That faith gives you a platform to explain where your courage comes from. Has the love of God enabled you to look at your failure and sin and trust his grace so you can own it and repent? That is the work of the gospel in your life. That is your story. It is evidence of the living Christ that nobody can refute.

Tell your story! Witness to the goodness and grace of God in your life! Your story is unstoppable evidence that there is a real God in this world.

1 comment:

Four Rascals said...

I received an amazing phone call today from a childhood friend who I've been praying for her salvation over the past 20 years. She recently accepted Christ and her life is transformed! We wept on the phone together and her words are still with me: "I get it, I finally get it and God is so good and gracious. Life is so easy with God. And all these years I was trying so hard. I finally get it."
Then she thanked me for not giving up on her. I admit that my perseverance waned, at times, as our lives took very different directions and I held out little hope for her salvation. God is so good and tonight the statement to "never underestimate the power of God" brings tears of gratitude to my eyes.