Guest Blogger: Aaron Miner
What is religion? Is it simply belief in a God who is all powerful and all knowing? Or is it simply a set of beliefs on supernatural and moral claims? Can you be religious and misguided?
Luke in the Acts 17 continues to reflect the movement of the gospel reaching the gentiles. In Thessalonica, a large number of Greeks and a few Jews believed (v. 4), in Berea a number of both gentiles and Jews believed. In Athens however, Paul experienced a different crowd. After preaching in the synagogue he receives an invitation to speak in the Areopagus.
Paul’s sermon sparked some controversy but he directly confronted the idolatry of the Greeks. Many of us may be familiar with the Greek gods such of Zeus, Hermes, Apollo, Hades, and many others. Though they ‘knew’ all these gods they did not know the only one that matters. Paul teaches that this God is more than just all powerful and all knowing but that he created and sustains life and desires that men seek and know him. Paul declares that ignorance is no longer an option (v. 30). We cannot worship an unknown god.
What does this mean for us? Initially that being deeply religious is not enough; we must repent from our ignorance and seek him. True religion is active and therefore not just a set of beliefs. I can even have good theology but if I never let it touch my heart then it is worthless. Lest we feel that our actions are all that we need, the resurrection completes and proves the validity of the work of Christ. It is because of the Cross and resurrection that we are to live actively for Christ this is our spiritual act of worship (Romans 12:1).
So how do we still live in ignorance? What areas of our life do we still prohibit the grace of God to reign? Is it money, pride, material goods, relationships, control, or another?
So let us worship God and live our lives repenting from our continued ignorance.
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