Thursday, February 5, 2009

1 Samuel 8: Security

Where do we look for security in life? Israel is faced with tough turn in leadership. Since Samuel’s sons are filled with corruption one can imagine that many in Israel were feeling spiritually insecure. They might be asking question such as “What will happen to our nation?” Here is where Israel makes its mistake. The mistake was not to look for a solution. The mistake was where they looked for the solution. Before looking up to God for guidance they looked around at the other nations for guidance. Their motivation rings clear… “Then we will be like all the other nations”. What a deadly line! Yet is seems to show up in many different forms throughout our own lives.

“Then we will be like our coworkers….”
“Then we will be like other families…”
“Then we will be like our peers…”
“Then we will be like other churches…”

We might not say it so boldly but chances are when something tough comes our way we turn to Google, the New Yorker, business consultants, talk shows, parenting groups, or self help books first for solutions. Sure there are admirable qualities from other nations. There are many things that should be learned from those around us. However, we need to ask ourselves questions such as… Who has become our shelter in life? What has won our confidence as a place of security? When life becomes unstable financially, martially, spiritually, physically, or emotionally where does my first instinct turn me to seek guidance? Let us first set our sights on our God for he alone is the provider of a peace that passes all understanding and the giver of all good things.

Posted by Danny

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