Tuesday, February 24, 2009

1 Samuel 27: All's Fair?

Ministry Opportunity: We are looking for an editor and a web page designer for the Bible in Everyday Life Blog. The editor is tasked with correcting errors and putting polish on the blog postings before uploading them to web site. The web designer will keep the page looking fresh, adding relevant resources to assist people in their Spiritual life. If you have any questions, please contact Marc Lucenius (mlucenius@willowdalechapel.org) or Aaron Miner (aaminer@hotmail.com).

Ever have to face something over and over again without seeing an end to the conflict? I’m sure we all have. That’s David in his embittered battle with King Saul. Time and time again David had opportunity to take Saul out, to finish him off and end his life. But he realizes that Saul was God’s anointed and chose time and again not to take matters into his own hands. So this chapter finds David tired and worn out. He’s at a point where his reasoning is I just gotta get away from Saul. He’s going to take my life, I’m tired and I just can’t take it anymore. And with these thoughts he takes off, leaves Israel and settles in the land of the Philistines.

While there, he and his 600 men settled in Gath. Now Saul realizing David had fled, no longer searched for David and David lived in Philistine territory for sixteen months. Now Achish king of Gath welcomed him as a servant figuring he was an enemy of Saul. But David continuously raided (v. 8) the Philistines but led Achish to believe that he was attacking outposts of Israelite territory.

David’s loyalty never waned. It was always clear that his allegiance was to God and His people. His time in the land of the Philistines was a time where his enemies were being eliminated right under the nose of the king of Gath. In fact, Achish says David has so violated Israel that they would hate him and concludes David would be his servant forever. David’s tactics while not all that comfortable to some of us, realizing his deception and his conquests led him to lie and kill seem to have been necessary. The enemies of Israel were enemies of God. David dared never to be an enemy of the living God. Making the choice he made, to leave Israel and live for a time among his enemies, created a situation where he had to survive.

If you find yourself facing something that just seems to not have an end in sight, where someone or something is after you and you just can’t get relief, run to God. David’s time in the land of the Philistines was a time of deception and death. A time of difficulty because he reasoned Saul would have him killed. But the truth is God had ordained him the next king. Somewhere we have to realize that he was God’s anointed. And while he didn’t have all the answers to how he was going to continue to survive Saul’s attacks running away to live among your fiercest rivals and enemies doesn’t seem to be the right choice, does it? When you’re facing trouble, learn to trust God. When you’re facing doubt, learn to believe He is who He says He is. We doubt and we lack trust when we rely on ourselves. God can get us out of trouble, but often we bring it on ourselves. Be wise in your decisions, and be wise in your choices.

Posted by Joe Stecz

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