50 Days to Freedom, Day Three
Gen 25:19-34, 27:1-45

That was Esau's cry to his father on account of his brother’s final betrayal? “Jacob” in Hebrew means “he takes by the heal” or “he cheats.” Jacob stole himself into Abraham’s line of blessing.The hope of the world is going to go through a deceptive and manipulative man. If the Bible was here to prove the superiority of God’s people over the nations, it is off to a bad start. Abraham struggles to tell the truth, Isaac does the same. Rebekah fools her husband and Jacob has done nothing but repeatedly do whatever necessary in order to swindle himself into the first-born status. Not impressive from a religious perspective!
Can we be honest in saying that this isn’t fair, at least from our perspective? Sure, Esau is foolish and a brute, but Jacob is a scoundrel! His mother isn’t any better. Should not there be at least some points for Esau as far as Isaac’s intention for his blessing?
This underscores yesterday’s passage that teaches us that the extension of God’s grace is based upon His promise and not our merit. Jacob will feel the consequences of his character soon enough; but, what we see here is that favor comes to him in spite of his manipulations his unworthiness.
What a comfort this reality can be to us! If God listens based upon our merit, we would have no hope for freedom. Quite often it is as we fail and feel and the brokenness of consequences and sin that we cry out for freedom with the most sincerity.
What is commendable about Jacob is his desire to have the blessing, and his lack of shame in seeking it. Makes me think... Do I pray shamelessly for God’s blessing? Am I bold in His presence? Many of us are polite with God, thinking that it honors His holiness; yet, isn't our politeness really a cover for our distance. And aren't we distant because we don’t really believe in His grace... to believe that He will listen to us and generously give us, His children, what we ask for in His name according to His will?
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