Lord, thank you for the saints who have gone before me, from generation to generation laying the foundations for my faith. Thank you for my fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters who have taught me about the faith. Thank you for the friends who sharpen me as iron sharpens iron. May I be the kind of friend, like the mighty men of David who protect and inspire those around them.Reflection:
It is an interesting side note to look at what may have been a major secret of David's success. He had great warriors and leaders around him. Our parents taught us this--the people we associate with will deeply shape the way we go in life and how far we go. Part of why Jesus spent so much time in his ministry, is because he wanted to teach the disciples how to become a new kind of family that would eventually be the church.
- Who are those who are mighty in their faith around you in your life?
- Who spurs you on to follow Christ more intently?
- How can you build your relational network more tightly to have strong, inspiring people in your life to help you grow
- How can you be the kind of friend that enable others to succeed?
I realize that I have very few inspiring people in my life. In fact I am a regular "dumpee" for most of my "friends". See, I always thought that I am supposed to solve others problems. I will be on the phone for a long time while the "dumper" goes on and on about kids, pets, husbands, jobs, family, the Y, etc. Sometimes I hold out the phone because I just can't stand it anymore. Finally, I had had enough. Last Friday I have limited myself to 5 minute or less phone calls. Any suggestions on how to limit those relationships that consistantly drain you?
Good question! When someone is in my life that is draining.. (it could just be season for them), I pray and seek God to see if God is in the relationship. And if God is, I better get His perspective and not mine! (lol) If He isn't in it.. then find a way to be honest and tell them. Once I started doing that, my whole network of friends changed. Seems like you are offended at them for dumping? If so.. let them know :-) that might work if God's in the relationship. Life is so short.. I try to spend it the way and with the people God is directing me towards.
It must be hard to listen to people's problems all day. Always feeling the burden to listen and respond, reminds me of how I imagine life as a pastor or leader in the church! Many of us just dump all of our problems on them and expect them to fix it. Many of us dump our problems on God too without giving him praise and honor.
If it were me in your position, I'd ask God what he was trying to show me through this particular relationship. Perhaps He is bringing to light a gift you have (compassion, empathy for others). Perhaps it is a challenge to grow in some other way in your life? Perhaps you have wisdom in those areas from life experience you can share with your dumpers?
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