Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Ruth 4: Redeeming Sacrifice

So why does this kinsmen pass on the right to purchase this land from Naomi? Even if the land comes with responsibility to Ruth would it not make sense to acquire the land for himself? No, not in the context of the culture we are reading about. The kinsman would not only be required to purchase the land from Naomi, but would also be obligated to give Ruth a son. This son would become the rightful heir of this estate. This would then make the land purchased by the kinsman property of the son through inheritance of Naomi’s family. This land that was purchased at a cost would then be lost. In this culture the son would also be recognized as one from Naomi’s family line. The kinsman would only be serving as a surrogate for Naomi’s deceased son; therefore the son would not bear the kinsman family name.

The kinsman acceptance of these terms would come at great financial and personal sacrifice. Boaz knew that the kinsman would not be able to agree to the requirements set by the law. You can see why redeemer is attached to the word kinsman. The restoration of Naomi and Ruth was going to come through sacrifice on the part of Boaz. Any son born to Ruth would rightfully bear the family name of Ruth’s deceased husband. This could mean that Boaz’s family name might possibly end with him, as we do not read of any other children born to Boaz. It would also come at the financial loss of the land purchase.

Where do you see lives being redeemed by others? I see it all the time in the actions of many at Willowdale. We see people sacrificing their time to mentor students at the Garage or those that sacrifice financially to sponsor couples so that they can attend marriage conferences. We just had several people give an entire weekend to serve students at a Young Life retreat. We have some spending Saturday after Saturday ministering to people in jail. We have ladies giving their time to serve pregnant teens who don’t know what life now holds for them. We had a group of men who spent last Saturday working on a home through the ministry of Good Neighbors. These folks have the heart of Boaz and are the pace setters for the rest of us. Christ clearly showed us that redeeming people comes at a cost. I am grateful to be part of a body that is willing to sacrifice in order to redeem people.

Posted by Jim

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