Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Malachi 4: Our Hope

Have you ever had high hopes which were on the verge of being fulfilled… then disaster comes? We have experienced this in our sports, where our sports team seems unstoppable only to fumble away its victory. We have experienced this in our jobs, where we worked for that great promotion, only to be laid off. We have experienced this in relationships, where we thought everything would soon be perfect only to face bitter betrayal. Israel’s return from exile was like this, where the Temple was rebuilt and God’s glory would again fill the land. But instead great blessing, disillusionment quickly set in. To these disheartened people the prophet Malachi speaks.

Into this discouragement, Malachi declares that God loves his people (1:2), that He is Israel’s father, creator and master (1:6, 2:10), that He is the God of justice (2:17), who does not change (3:6), and is honest (3:13). Most importantly Malachi presents a vision of the future of the day where God will come to judge the wicked (4:1) and heal those who fear him (4:2). But before this day God will send his prophet Elijah to bring the people to repentance.

God has proven himself to be faithful to his word. This Elijah has come. The Gospels describe him as John the Baptist and he prepared the way for Christ to come and to save his disheartened people. We may experience all types of discouragement and heartbreaks, but Christ will never leave nor forsake us (Hebrews 13:5) and God will cause all things to work for our good (Romans 8:28). Let us then walk freely and in our hope in Jesus Christ that brings us life and strength.

Posted by Aaron Miner

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