Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Galatians 3: By Works or By Grace?

Do you feel like a Son of God or a Worker of God? Paul lays out a rather extensive criticism of the Galatians’ current mindset. Apparently they had started living out Old Testament traditions again. I imagine that would be easy to do. Paul targets the heart of the matter right at the beginning of the chapter. The Galatians were using these traditions as good works to win God’s favor.

Many of us are far enough from Old Testament tradition to avoid the specific trap the Galatians fell into. Anyone get the urge to slaughter a lamb to appease God’s wrath towards your family’s sin this morning? I thought not. However, we still fall prey to that same mentality. I constantly battle with making sure when I send time with God that I’m actually spending it with God and not just doing things out of a sense of duty.

I had not been married too long before I discovered the difference between developing a relationship with my wife and spending time around her. Reading a book next to my wife does very little for our marriage. Speaking about what happened in our day and how that affects us does great things for our relationship. My wife needs me to spend time engaged with her, not just around her.

Are you spending time around God doing religious things or spending time with him? Are you acting like a worker or a son? Are you trying to become good enough before you come to God? Read verse 21 again. Life does not come through living out the law. Instead, Paul says that we are God’s children (v. 26). Let’s live like it. Our salvation comes from being God’s children not from our traditions or performances.

Posted by Danny

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