50 Days of Freedom: Day Four
Gen 27:46-29:30
Jacob won the blessing, but lost his family. As the heir to the promise, he puts the fulfillment of the promise in jeopardy by leaving the land. But before Jacob leaves the land of promise, God wants to meet with him. He meets with him in a dream and through the dream, God renews the promise that He made to Abraham and Isaac to the next in line--Jacob. As far as we know it, until that point, God was the God of Jacob’s father and grandfather. Now, He is the God of Jacob.
Each generation needs to acknowledge God for themselves. It is not enough for us to worship the god of our fathers. God, if He is real in our life must be our God. But do you also see how God takes advantage of the transition in Jacob’s life in order to draw him back. Jacob was leaving the comfort of his mother and the safety of his father’s house, he was on his own and ready to come back to God.
We must be watchful through the transitions in our life, from school to work, beginning a dating relationship, marriage, kids, jobs, moves, and the empty nest. These are all opportunities for us to draw nearer to God and His freedom or to slip away from God towards bondage. The upsetting of circumstances gives us an opportunity to take the newfound chaos and to entrust it into God’s hands ordering it for HIm. Or, we can take the newfound chaos and find something other than HIm to order it around.
What opportunities lie before you in this season to take vulnerable places of transition in your life and entrust them to God? What competitors to God lie out there to steal your trust, hope and sense of order?
Let us know what you think by clicking on the title and commenting. Thanks for reading!
Posted by Mark
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