Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Transition to Freedom

Deuteronomy 34 and Joshua 1

Transitions are opportunities and transitions are threats. Our freedom is most threatened in the face of transition, be it a move, a new school, a new environment or a new relationship. With the death of Moses, the Israelites and their freedom were threatened by a leadership void that could set them backwards. These two chapters give us great insight into how to handle our transitions well to maintain our freedom.

Grieve well: The Israelites specifically spent 30 days grieving the death of Moses before moving forward. It is important to reflect deeply on what has our affections by what we lose in our transitions. Understanding what we deeply care about and taking the time to recognize their loss enables us discern the virtue of the things we care about. If we are not reflective in the way we leave things, there will be greater temptation to attach ourselves in our new place to new things that promise to fill the void but without the virtue of what was left behind. We see Jesus regularly pulling aside for time with his father during key ministry transitions. This is a pattern for all of us to follow.

Hand the Baton well: When Moses laid hands on Joshua, it was clear to Joshua and the entire nation where the nation’s Spiritual leadership would come from. Joshua had proven himself faithful and his character was solid. He would need this for the troubles and challenges that would lie ahead of him. Whenever we make a transition, we need to give the utmost attention to the kinds of voices we find that will guide us in our new endeavors. Jesus Christ has empowered witnesses to him and has released leadership in the church to shepherd and lead God’s people in every place and in every generation. We must always find ourselves under Jesus’ shepherding leadership through those whom he has empowered to care for us.

Focus on the Fundamentals: Joshua’s success was going to be based upon the way he handles the basics of the faith. As he is careful to understand God’s ways expressed in the law and align his life to them, through obedience, his success would follow. Jesus said it this way, “If you remain in me, I will remain in you. If you obey me, you will bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.”

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