Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Romans 10: True Spirituality

Many people stumble over the Gospel not because it is too hard, but because it is so profoundly simple.

Paul says that the Israelites stumble for this very reason. They were chosen by God to enter into a covenant with him. God would be their God, and they would be his people. Israel would walk with God by faith. They would love him and follow him. And, when they failed, they would believe in God’s grace and receive it by making a sin offering.

But somehow this simple arrangement got twisted into a religion of entitlement and performance. On the one hand, Israel felt entitled to God’s blessing—they were children of Abraham, after all, so they deserved their special status. On the other hand, they felt burdened by the laws God gave, and developed elaborate strategies for performing them all.

Paul feels for them. Israel is so zealous for God, but so far from understanding His heart.

True spirituality isn’t an extreme quest for personal perfection. It’s not about somehow ascending to heaven or plumbing the depths of the ocean to prove your worth. It’s far simpler than that. Just listen to the word of Christ. Just believe. Just set your affections on Jesus.

Jesus once was asked, “What must we do to perform the works God requires?” He answered, “The works of God are this: To believe in the one He sent.”

If you insist on performing for God, you’ll never enter his good graces. But if you let Jesus perform for you—if you accept his life, death, and resurrection as obedience for you—you’ll delight God forever.

Posted by Greg

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